
Exploring the Top 7 Tall Coconut Varieties Found in India

Exploring the Top 7 Tall Coconut Varieties Found in India

Coconuts are a staple in Indian cuisine and culture, but did you know that there are several tall coconut varieties that offer unique flavours and benefits? From the towering West Coast Tall to the fragrant East Coast Tall, we're diving into seven must-know tall coconut varieties in India. Join us as we explore these delicious fruits and uncover their hidden treasures!

1. Malayan Dwarf Coconut: A Versatile and Nutritious Variety

Origin and Distribution:

The Malayan Dwarf coconut, also known as the 'Golden Malay', is a tall variety of coconut found in India. This variety is highly sought after for its versatile uses, making it a popular choice among farmers and consumers alike.


One of the distinguishing features of the Malayan Dwarf coconut is its medium-sized stature compared to other tall varieties. It typically grows up to 12-14 meters in height, making it easier to manage and harvest compared to taller varieties like the King coconut or the Chowghat Orange Dwarf.

Taste and Nutrition:

The fruit produced by this variety has a distinctive golden yellow colour, hence its nickname 'Golden Malay'. The outer husk is thick and fibrous, providing protection to the inner nut which contains deliciously sweet water and meat. The water from this variety is considered one of the best-tasting among all coconut varieties in India.

In addition to being a tasty treat, Malayan Dwarf coconuts are also packed with essential nutrients. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that provide numerous health benefits. Consuming this variety regularly can help boost immunity, improve digestion, promote heart health, and even aid weight loss.


Apart from their culinary uses, Malayan Dwarf coconuts have several other applications as well. The outer husk can be used as a natural scrub or exfoliant for skin care products while the oil extracted from the meat has numerous benefits for hair care. In addition to these uses, every part of this tree has some traditional or medicinal value in Ayurveda.

Cultural Significance:

Cultivating Malayan Dwarf coconuts requires well-drained soil with high moisture content. This makes them suitable for coastal regions with moderate rainfall. However, they can also thrive in semi-arid areas with proper irrigation facilities.


In terms of yield, this variety produces an average of 150-200 nuts per tree annually. The Malayan Dwarf coconut is also known for its high productivity, with trees bearing fruits within 3-4 years of planting.

The Malayan Dwarf coconut is not just a delicious and versatile fruit but also a valuable crop for farmers in India. Its unique qualities and multiple uses have made it a popular choice among consumers, making it an essential part of the Indian coconut industry.

2. East Coast Tall Coconut

Origin and Distribution:

The East Coast Tall Coconut, also known as the "Chowghat Orange Dwarf," is a popular variety of tall coconut found in India. It is primarily grown along the east coast of the country, from Kerala to Orissa. This variety is highly valued for its large and sweet coconuts, making it a favourite among both farmers and consumers.

One of the most distinctive features of the East Coast Tall Coconut is the bright orange colour on the outer skin of its young nuts. This unique characteristic sets it apart from other varieties and makes it easily identifiable. As the nut matures, this orange colour gradually fades into a pale green shade.


The size and shape of these coconuts are also noteworthy. They are relatively larger and rounder than other tall coconut varieties, with an average weight ranging from 1 to 2 kilograms per nut. The inner flesh or kernel is thick and creamy white in colour, with a high oil content that gives it a rich flavour.

Taste and Nutrition:

Apart from their delicious taste, East Coast Tall Coconuts are also known for their nutritional value. They are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins C and B6, iron, magnesium, and potassium. The water inside these coconuts is naturally sweet and refreshing, making it a popular choice for hydration among locals during hot summers.

Cultural Significance:

Another important factor that makes this variety stand out is its ability to adapt to various soil types and climatic conditions. It can thrive in both coastal regions with sandy soils as well as inland areas with loamy soils. This versatility has made it one of the most widely cultivated tall coconut varieties in India.

In terms of cultivation practices, East Coast Tall Coconuts require regular watering during dry periods but can tolerate moderate flooding during monsoons due to their deep root system. They also do well in areas with high humidity levels and strong winds.

The East Coast Tall Coconut stands out among other tall coconut varieties for its distinct orange colour, large size, delicious taste, and adaptability to various growing conditions. Its popularity among farmers and consumers alike is a testament to its quality and value as a staple crop in India's coconut industry.

3. West Coast Tall Coconut

Origin and Distribution:

The West Coast Tall coconut, also known as the "Laccadive Micro" or "Maldive Micro," is a popular variety of tall coconut found in India. It is primarily grown in the coastal areas of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.


The West Coast Tall coconut tree can grow up to 20-30 meters in height and has a straight trunk with an average diameter of 40-60 cm. The fronds are long and light green in colour, giving the tree a graceful appearance. The coconuts produced by this variety are oval-shaped and have a smooth exterior with a characteristic yellowish-green colour.

Taste and Nutrition:

The West Coast Tall coconut is highly valued for its sweet water content, which makes it perfect for drinking directly or using in various recipes. The flesh of this variety is thick, creamy, and juicy, making it ideal for making desserts like coconut cream pies or laddoos. In terms of nutrition, this variety contains high levels of healthy fats, vitamins (C & B), minerals (potassium & magnesium), and dietary fibre.


Unlike other varieties that produce coconuts year-round, the West Coast Tall has specific harvesting periods depending on the region where it's grown. In most parts of Kerala, harvesting takes place between April to May when the monsoon season begins. Meanwhile, in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka coastal regions, harvesting occurs from September to October during the southwest monsoon period.


Apart from being consumed fresh or used for cooking/baking purposes, every part of the West Coast Tall coconut tree has practical uses. The leaves are widely used as roof thatching material due to their durability and flexibility while also being utilized as natural umbrellas during monsoons. The hard shell can be made into handicrafts such as bowls or jewellery boxes while its fibres are used to make ropes, mats, and brushes.

Cultural Significance:

The West Coast Tall coconut tree holds a significant place in the cultural traditions of South India. It is often used in auspicious ceremonies like weddings, housewarming rituals, and temple festivals. The leaves are also used for decoration purposes during pujas (prayer ceremonies) and special occasions.

The West Coast Tall coconut is a versatile and valuable variety found in India that offers not only delicious fruit but also various practical uses. Its rich cultural significance makes it an essential part of the local heritage and traditions. So, if you ever get a chance to visit the coastal regions of India, make sure to try this refreshing variety!

4. Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut

Origin and Distribution:

The Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut is one of the most common varieties of tall coconut found in India. It is widely grown in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, hence its name. This variety of coconut tree is known for its towering height, which can reach up to 30 meters.


One of the distinctive features of the Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut is its large size and weight. The fruit produced by this tree can weigh anywhere between 1.5 to 2 kilograms, making it relatively heavier than other types of coconuts. Its shape is also elongated compared to other varieties, giving it a unique appearance.

The outer shell or husk of this coconut is typically brown in colour with a rough texture. However, there are instances where it can appear greenish-brown or slightly yellowish depending on the maturity level of the fruit. The inner flesh or meat is white and has a thick consistency, making it ideal for use in various culinary dishes.

Taste and Nutrition: In terms of taste and flavour, the Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut has a sweet and nutty taste that makes it perfect for eating raw or using in cooking and baking recipes. It also produces an abundance of clear water that can be consumed as a refreshing drink.


This variety of tall coconut tree has been popularly used by locals for centuries due to its versatility and multiple uses. Apart from providing food and beverage sources, every part of this tree serves a purpose. For instance, the trunk can be used for building materials such as timber or furniture while the leaves are often used as roofing material for traditional houses.

Moreover, the oil extracted from this type of coconut has numerous health benefits when applied topically on skin and hair due to its moisturizing properties. In addition to its practical uses, the Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut also holds cultural significance among certain communities in India.

If you ever visit the Andaman and Nicobar Islands or come across this variety of coconut in other parts of India, be sure to try it out and experience its unique taste and benefits. Its towering height, large size, and multiple uses make the Andaman Ordinary Tall Coconut a must-try for any coconut lover.

5. Lakshadweep Ordinary Tall Coconut

Origin and Distribution:

Lakshadweep Ordinary Tall Coconut is one of the most popular and widely cultivated tall coconut varieties found in India. It gets its name from the place where it originated - Lakshadweep, a group of islands located off the coast of Kerala in the Arabian Sea.


This tall coconut variety is known for its strong, sturdy trunk which can reach up to 25 meters in height. The tree has a large crown with feathery fronds that sway gracefully in the wind. One distinguishing feature of this variety is its large and round coconuts, which can weigh up to 2 kg each.

Climatic Requirements:

The Lakshadweep Ordinary Tall Coconut tree requires a hot and humid climate with plenty of rainfall throughout the year. It also thrives in sandy coastal areas, making it a common sight on beaches and along coastal regions of India.

One unique characteristic of this variety is that it produces both male and female flowers on separate branches. The male flowers are small and yellowish-green while the female flowers are larger and creamy-white in colour. Pollination occurs through natural means such as wind or insects.

Taste and Nutrition: 

The coconuts produced by this variety are highly sought after for their sweet water content and thick white flesh. They are primarily used for making coconut oil, but they also have many other culinary uses such as being an essential ingredient in various traditional dishes across India.


Apart from its numerous culinary uses, Lakshadweep Ordinary Tall Coconut also has several medicinal benefits. The water from young coconuts is believed to be extremely hydrating and beneficial for kidney health. The oil extracted from mature coconuts is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for treating skin conditions, and hair loss and improving overall health.

The Lakshadweep Ordinary Tall Coconut is not just a staple crop but an integral part of the culture and economy of the Lakshadweep islands. Its delicious fruit, versatile uses, and medicinal properties make it a highly valued tall coconut variety in India. So, if you ever come across this tall and majestic tree on your travels, don't forget to try its refreshing water and savour its delicious fruit.

6. Kera Sankara Coconut

Origin and Distribution:

Kera Sankara, also known as the Tall Coconut or Ceylon Coconut, is a popular variety of coconut found in India. It is widely grown in the southern regions of India, particularly in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. This tall and stately coconut tree can grow up to 30 meters in height with a trunk diameter of 1 meter. The name "Kera Sankara" translates to "coconut shank" which refers to its tall and slender trunk.


The Kera Sankara coconut has distinct features that set it apart from other varieties. One notable feature is its large size and shape. The nut is elongated and oval-shaped, measuring about 12-14 inches long with a weight of approximately 2-3 kg. It has a thick husk with a smooth outer surface that turns light brown when ripe. The shell of the nut is also thicker compared to other varieties, making it tougher to crack open.

Taste and Nutrition: 

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Kera Sankara coconuts is their high oil content. They are known for producing copious amounts of pure coconut oil that is rich in nutrients and used extensively for cooking, hair care, skin care, and various other purposes. The oil extracted from these coconuts has a strong aroma and flavour, making it ideal for culinary use.

Apart from being an excellent source of oil production, Kera Sankara coconuts are also valued for their refreshing water or tender coconut juice. Known as "dab" in local dialects, this sweet liquid inside the young nuts contains essential electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium making it an excellent hydrating drink.

Cultural Significance:

Another significant characteristic of Kera Sankara coconuts is their resistance to pests and diseases due to their thick husk and hardy nature. This makes them relatively easy to cultivate without requiring excessive maintenance or pesticide use.

In addition to their practical uses, Kera Sankara coconuts also hold cultural significance in India. They are often used in religious ceremonies and rituals, and the wood from the tree is highly valued for its strength and durability, making it a popular choice for construction and furniture.

Kera Sankara coconut is a prized variety of coconut found in India with its unique characteristics and multiple uses. Its popularity continues to grow not only in southern regions but across the country as well. So, next time you come across this tall and majestic coconut tree, you'll know all about its significance and why it's considered one of the top tall coconut varieties in India.

7. Kappadam or Kunjukalangara Tall Variety

Origin and Distribution:

The Kappadam or Kunjukalangara Tall variety originated from the village of Kunjukalangara in Kerala's Thrissur district. It was first introduced to the state by Dutch traders during the colonial era. However, over time, it spread to other parts of South India due to its favourable growing conditions and high demand.


The trees of this variety grow up to 30 meters in height with a girth of about 1 meter. They have a straight trunk with few branches at the top that bear fronds measuring up to 7-9 meters long. The leaves are dark green in colour and have an elongated shape with pointed tips. The nuts produced by this tree are usually oval-shaped with three deep longitudinal ridges on its shell.

Climatic Requirements:

Kappadam or Kunjukalangara Tall variety requires a warm tropical climate with high humidity levels for optimal growth. It thrives well in areas receiving an annual rainfall between 1500-2500 mm and temperatures ranging from 27-32 degrees Celsius. These conditions make it suitable for cultivation in coastal regions as well as low-lying areas near rivers or lakes.


This tall variety is highly productive, yielding around 100-120 coconuts per tree per year when properly maintained. The nuts produced by these trees are relatively larger compared to other tall varieties, with an average weight of 800-1000 grams. The oil content in these coconuts is also higher, making it a preferred choice for extracting coconut oil.


The Kappadam or Kunjukalangara Tall variety has multiple uses and is considered a versatile crop. Apart from its culinary uses, the tree's trunk and leaves are used for building houses, while the fronds are utilized for making brooms and baskets. The nutshell is also used as a fuel source, and the husk is used to make ropes and mats.

The Kappadam or Kunjukalangara Tall variety of coconut is a highly valued crop in India due to its many benefits. Its ability to thrive in diverse climates and produce high-quality coconuts makes it a top choice among farmers across the country.