Cocoa Intercropping in Coconut Farms
coconut intercropping

Cocoa Intercropping in Coconut Farms

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a tree crop that is highly adaptable and compatible with various production systems, such as intercropping, multistory farming, and agroforestry. In cocoa-producing co...

coconut intercroppingMulti-tier cropping system

Multi-tier cropping system

This system involves growing crops of varying heights simultaneously on the same piece of land, thereby using land, water, and space more efficiently and economically. When selecting individual spe...

coconut intercroppingIntercropping in Coconut Farms

Intercropping in Coconut Farms

Intercrops or mixed crops should be chosen based on the climatic needs of the crops, available irrigation facilities, and soil type. Additionally, factors such as the canopy size, age, and spacing ...